Use "going over the procedures|going over the procedure" in a sentence

1. Look out, the house's going over!

2. Scared about going over there?

3. I'm going over to the other side.

4. We're going over the prenup she signed.

5. The canoeist succeeded in going over the rapids.

6. Just given a good going-over.

7. Ananda implements tight security controls over all communications going over the network

8. I've been going over Snarfs file.

9. Firms are going bankrupt all over the place.

10. The panel spent 14 hours going over the evidence.

11. Tell me what's going on over there!

12. Today we're going to go over the Clamshell exercise

13. At meetings, we just keep going over the same ground .

14. If shame washes over me and washes over Chris, it's going to feel the same.

15. I'm going over to his pad this evening.

16. We were just going over the company's finances with Mrs. Williger.

17. Do you not think... another word, you're going over the side.

18. What are you going to do over the three day weekend?

19. 18 The Hebrew school was going to cost over $ 18o, 000.

20. It's going to be cloud over, I am afraid.

21. What are you going to do over the next holiday period?

22. We got our own thing going on over here.

23. A few of our guys were thinking about going over the hill.

24. When are you going to bring the rest of your family over?

25. I am going to stop over at New York City.

26. I always run over my lines before going on stage.

27. Gosh! My muscles is going to ache all over tomorrow.

28. The infernal little brute started going all over the house revolver in hand.

29. Flowers from here are going all over the place, to the European Union.

30. The sky clouded over; we could see there was going to be rainstorm.

31. Corbett sat muttering to himself, going over the questions which still vexed him.

32. Yeah, I'm going to shock the world by spreading " caca " all over the place.

33. So you're just going to hand me over to my daughter?

34. He's going to bring that cavalry over fast as he can.

35. You know you're going to wind up in court over this.

36. Mike, we're going into the computer core to look over the magnetic constrictor circuitry.

37. So I'm going to write minimize over theta zero, theta one.

38. In 18 taking over Canada was going to be a cakewalk.

39. I kind of got an alfresco situation going on over here.

40. I figure on going over to town to pay a visit.

41. So the time is going to be 2 s sine of theta over g.

42. We need to upskill the Indian staff if they're going to take over production.

43. You just know Curtis is going to get all freaked out over the whole

44. And we're going over there and bringing the most lethal killing machine ever devised.

45. She's going on holiday with her boyfriend - well, she's over the age of consent.

46. Going over the Copyedits is proving to be a stranger experience than I’d expected

47. Uh, you were going over 90 with a 1.7 alcohol level, so...

48. I'm just going to glance over these documents, then we can go.

49. The definition of Argumentation is the act of going over the pros and cons of something

50. To think of going over the moor in the daylight and when the sky was blue!

51. Contending together is essential if we are going to cross over into the greater works

52. Today I'm going over how to kill 4 unalerted Tusk Ballistas in the game Warframe

53. Brinkmanship is pushing a situation to the point of disaster without quite going over the edge

54. Uh, Jerry, we've been going all over the plans for your big tour to England.

55. Forensic scientists are going over the victim's flat in a search for clues about the murderer.

56. The Almshouses belong to the Corporation of Trinity House, an organisation going back over 500 years

57. I am going to march you over to the zoo and feed you to the yak.

58. I think the bulb over the sink is going to go. It's been flickering all evening.

59. Who's going to stop and pull over and say -- " Oh, look, a cow. "

60. I've got a funny feeling he's not going to roll over for me.

61. When this is over we're going to go out and get stinking drunk.

62. The social chapter was always going to be the item over which the opposition forces would coalesce.

63. As Jesus goes over to the body, all must wonder what he is going to do.

64. I'm now going to save your ears for the next short piece and talk over it.

65. (b) by when the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are going to be finalized?

66. We all cracked jokes over the intercom and talked about what we were going to do.

67. → They Bickered endlessly over procedure

68. 29 You ought to give the place a going-over with the Hoover once in a while.

69. 10 Michael was given a complete going-over and then treated for glandular fever.

70. As soon as the blindfold is applied, remove the obstacles and watch the children going over imaginary items.

71. And so I started playing around, and I found something going on over here.

72. 5 Going through the procedures of modification, supplement, deferment and cancellation in processing trade.

73. His pernickety attitude and lack of experience led to the film going almost 100 percent over-budget.

74. Going back, starting over, is always either the easy option or a negative step in itself, retrogressive.

75. The relevant procedures linked to the absence of complete transposition are currently on-going 6 .

76. Advance is ideal for going over Alkyd or an easy to use oil based product

77. I mean, you think he's really going to let us go when this is over?

78. That makes me think of a very funny story which is going all over Warsaw.

79. As the hammering hardens the metal it is necessary to Anneal it each time after going over the surface

80. Since Prime Minister is not going anywhere, she switched right over to Chief Park's side.